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Government Of Assam Excise

Excise Licence


The following procedures are involved in obtaining wholesale vend of foreign liquor. The Proposal have to submitted to the Collector of the district through Commissioner of Excise, Assam and it sent to Government for grant of licence.

Application for grant of excise licence or shifting of licensed premises or change of partner of any licence :

Under Rule 113 of Assam Excise Rules, 2016, all applications for grant of excise licence or shifting of licensed premises or change of partner of any licence shall be made to the State Government in prescribed form and shall be accompanied by a non-refundable and non-adjustable Application Fee at the following rates irrespective of sanction or grant of the applied licence;

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1Application Fee for new Distillery/Brewery licence and for every shifting application for the existing licences.Rs.5,00,000.00
2Application Fee for new foreign liquor “Bonded Warehouse” licence and for every shifting application for the  existing licences.Rs.2,00,000.00 
3Application Fee for new foreign liquor “Wholesale” licence and for every shifting application for the existing licences.Rs.1,00,000.00
4Application Fee for new foreign liquor “Retail OFF” and “Retail ON” licence and for every shifting application for the existing licences.Rs.1,00,000.00
5Application fee for microbrewery licence. Rs.1,00,000.00
6Application Fee for foreign liquor “temporary bar” licence.Rs.10,000.00 
7Application Fee for new foreign liquor “Late Closing” licence granted to Licensed hotels and restaurants.Rs.50,000.00
8Application Fee for foreign liquor “temporary late closing” licence.Rs.5,000.00
9Application Fee for new Canteen Tenant licence. Rs.5,000.00
10Application Fee for new licence to Compound, blend foreign liquor and for every shifting application for the existing licences.Rs.1,00,000.00
11Application Fee for new licence to Bottle foreign liquor and for every  shifting application for the existing  licences. Rs.1,00,000.00
12Application Fee for new wholesale, Retail and possession licence of  Rectified spirit, Denatured Spirit and medicated wines for bona fide medicinal, industrial or scientific purposes and for every shifting application for the existing licences.Rs.5000.00
13Application fee for change or alteration of licence.Rs.1,00,000.00
14Application fee for sub-lease of manufactory. Rs.75,000.00 
15Application fee for cancellation and/or revalidation of expired permits and validity extension of permits. Rs.5000.00 per permit payable by the consignee at the place of import and for export permit payable by the consignor at the place of export.

Hotel Licence:

As per Rule 115 of Assam Excise, Rule, 2016, Hotel licence permitting the retail sale of foreign liquor for consumption ‘ON’ the premises shall be granted by the Collector with the previous sanction of the State Government on payment of annual licence fees as may be prescribed by the Government from time to time for hotels possessing bona fide residential accommodation. Sales under such licence shall be confined to persons actually residing in the hotel for their use and to persons taking meals therein.

Restaurant licence:

As per Rule 116 of Assam Excise, Rule, 2016, Restaurant licences may be granted by the Collector with the previous sanction of State Government on payment of annual licence fees prescribed by the Government from time to time for bona fide restaurant in which meals are provided but there is no sleeping accommodation for visitors, permitting retail sale of foreign liquor for consumption ‘ON’ the premises to persons taking meals in the restaurants.

Bar and restaurant licence in hotel:

As per Rule 117  of Assam Excise, Rule, 2016, any holder of a hotel licence desirous of setting up and maintaining a bar or bars or opening a restaurant in connection with a hotel should apply to the Collector for a separate licence for such bar and restaurant. He should submit with his application a ground plan of the premises, specially indicating the room or rooms intended to be used for the purpose of the bar or restaurant. If the Collector approves the proposed arrangement for the bar or restaurant a separate bar or restaurant licence may be granted to the applicant with previous sanction of the State Government on payment annual licence fees as may be prescribed by the State Government from time to time.

Temporary bar licence:

As per Rule 118 of Assam Excise, Rule, 2016, aA temporary bar licence for fair, festivals (except national and religious festivals) meeting and public entertainment may be granted by the Collector with previous sanction of Excise Commissioner on payment of licence fees as may be prescribed by the State Government on such terms and conditions as may be specified by the Excise Commissioner provided that no such licence shall be granted for a period exceeding one day at a time.

Late closing licence:

As per Rule 127 of Assam Excise, Rule, 2016 (i) Foreign liquor ‘ON’ licensed premises licensed as hotels and restaurants and bars attached to such hotels and restaurants and also other premises licensed for ‘ON’ sale of foreign liquor including Club ‘ON’ licences shall be kept open for sale of liquor from 12 noon to 10 PM. Such premises may be kept open upto 12 midnight under a separate late closing licence issued by the Collector with the previous sanction of the State Government and on payment of a fee prescribed in rule 19(III) of these Rules.